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Which service do I need?

For individuals or businesses that require the combination of both V-Protect and S-Protect (Gateway Antivirus and SPAM-Tagging services, refer to columns below for details), SV-Protect will not only protect you from email viruses, it will also keep unwanted spam away from your mailbox!
Click here to find out how it works

Any person that values the security of their PC, information confidentiality, and more importantly, your productivity, are advised to sign up for VirusNoMore's V-Protect.

If you or your company would like to block Viruses from entering your network, and would not like make large investment on setting up your own Antivirus Gateway Server, then our V-Protect gateway Antivirus Service is your choice.

Prevention is better than cure. As businesses around the globe become increasingly connected due to the Internet, we are becoming more prone to fast-spreading virus outbreaks. Within a single hour your desktop antivirus software could become out of date, due to the ever-evolving nature of viruses. Gateway scanning (V-Protect) has proven to be far superior to fighting viruses on the desktop PC than the conventional independent antivirus software, as we update our virus pattern on an hourly basis, 24x7, 365 days a year. Click here to find out how it works

Any individual or businesses that have any form of exposure to the Internet are often plagued with unproductive and unsolicited emails that hog the organization's resources.

By applying an efficient SPAM-Tagging technique, S-Protect ensures that your mailbox will be free from spam. Click here to find out how it works