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V-Protect - Email Antivirus Protection

VirusNoMore secures your email system against email viruses and attacks through an antivirus engine placed at our SMTP gateway level. The antivirus engine scans, detects and removes all forms of electronic threats from the e-mail messages and attachments (including archives, exe files, embedded files, etc) at the SMTP, HTTP and FTP server gateway. All important data will be secured before reaching your mailbox, you will be able to avoid all forms of Internet malwares (viruses, worms, Trojans, hoaxes, etc.).

>> Click here to find out more (detailed diagram)


S-Protect - Email Anti-SPAM Protection

Take contol of your inbox now by filtering out unsolicited emails (SPAM). When your email arrive at the VirusNoMore SPAM-Tagging System, it is analyzed based on spam characteristics, and if it is highly suspected as SPAM, it will be tagged (the header will be attached with the word 'SPAM') before it is placed in your mailbox. With S-Protect, your inbox will be free of nearly all spam.

>> Click here to find out more (detailed diagram)