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Setting > Setting Filters (Netscape)

These instructions assume that you have already installed the relevant POP email clients on your system.

Netscape 4.7 Mail PC

1) Select Message Filters... from Netscape's Edit menu.

2) Select New... to create a new SPAM filter.

3) Filter SPAM-tagged emails sent to you.

  • Enter a name for the filter in the Filter name: field.

  • Enter SPAM in the field to the right of contains.

  • Choose an action from the field labelled then. (This can be "delete", "move to folder", others.)

  • If you would like to create another filter based on some other criteria, click on More.

  • Click on OK.

4) This screen lists the various filters you have created. Click OK.

ns4.jpg (32K)

Netscape 4.7 Mail Mac

  • From the Edit menu, select Message Filters. In the Message Filter dialog box, click New and name your rule "SPAM". Be sure there is a check in the enabled box.
  • Click the triangle to get the Filter Action section of the box. Set it to Move to folder, click on New folder and call the folder "SPAMMAILS".
  • Close the box.
  • Be sure to review the contents of your SPAMMAILS mailbox for falsely labeled mail, and be sure you delete the contents of your SPAMMAILS mailbox periodically to keep from filling your computer's hardrive.

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